Monthly Archives: April 2013

“Why Do You Believe That the Bible is True?”

It’s THE question that I get asked more often than any other. And believe me, I get asked all sorts of questions. But in one form or another, I so often get asked some incarnation of the question, “Why do you believe that the Bible is true?”

A perfectly fair question, if you think about it. I mean, the Bible is an ancient book, written from a place and about a place far, far away, and written so long, long ago. It is filled with funny sounding names. Weird stuff (at least what appears weird to us) takes place within its pages. And yet, we are asked to live our lives and to gamble our eternities on the teachings of its ancient texts.

So comes the question: Why do you believe that the Bible is true?

Ironically, I always find it tremendously challenging to answer that question. NOT because of too little information, but because of TMI — too much information. It’s like, Where do I begin? It’s like when you walk into a banquet room and walk up to a beautiful, bountiful table overflowing with rich and widely different delicacies, each of which is designed to make your mouth water. Where do you begin? That is my challenge whenever I am asked the question: Why do you believe that the Bible is true?

Consider this latest PODCAST — our latest in our Jesus in HD series — my humble attempt to answer that question. Just please keep in mind that it is only a small part of a much bigger answer. Just one of the entrees that graces our banquet table. The kind of an answer that stands on fact. Undeniable, irrefutable fact. A compelling and convincing answer. So compelling and convincing that maybe, just maybe you won’t ever doubt the Bible again.

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Jesus in the Passover

In this PODCAST, you are about to see Jesus in a way that you have never seen Him before, embedded within the Passover Seder! A celebration observed by our many Jewish friends, a festival that has been taking place every year for more than 3500 years! 

They have done so ever since that defining moment in the book of Exodus when God commanded His chosen people to commemorate their miraculous deliverance from their 400 years of bondage in Egypt.

This podcast will connect so many of the dots that we have talked about these many weeks that we have been together, studying together Jesus in HD. AND your respect for, compassion for, and love for the Jewish people will increase exponentially as you listen.

As we noted several weeks ago, Jesus celebrated this holy day every year of His life. And even during this past week, millions of Jewish people the world over gathered in their homes, with their families and friends, to celebrate this festival of Passover.

In this podcast, we are about to discover in a way that you will never forget that God wove into the very fabric of the ancient Passover story a far larger and greater story of redemption that encompasses every one of our Jewish friends, as well as the entire world, including you and me.

As we do, please keep in mind the overriding significance of Passover as beautifully summed up by Morris Joseph in his book, Judaism as Creed and Life: “Passover has a message for the conscience and heart of all mankind… It is Israel’s, nay God’s, protest against unrighteousness. Wrong, it declares, may triumph for a time. But even though it be perpetrated by the strong against the weak, it will meet with its inevitable retribution at last.”

You can hear this podcast by clicking HERE

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