Monthly Archives: June 2014

A Surprise Visit from a Dear Old Friend.

John the Baptizer is, by his own admission, a walking contradiction.

As you will hear in this PODCAST, he had a remarkable beginning, and yet in the end a dismal crash and burn.

Simply put, if I may so blunt, during the darkest hour of his now-troubled life, John the Baptizer (if you can believe it) didn’t believe in Jesus anymore.

His is quite the story to tell. But as you will hear me say, it is John’s story to tell, not my story to tell. So, if you can employ a little sanctified imagination, I will do my best to be true to John’s story, and respectful of John’s memory, as I sort of try to “become” (if I can put it that way) John the Baptizer, and tell you his story in the first person, as if I am John.

Please remember that depending upon your connection speed and web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to begin to play.


And if this is a blessing to you, may I presume to ask you to Share this podcast with all of your friends?

God bless you as you listen.

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“God has Visited His People Today.”

It happened in the no-nothing little town called Nain.


Why there? Why to that woman? What was the point?

And most importantly, as you will learn in the PODCAST, what does this teach us about the nature, character, and heart of God?

His heart towards me. More significantly, His heart towards YOU!

Please remember that depending upon your web browser and connection speed, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.


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WWJND? (What Would Jesus NEVER Do?)

In so many of our past podcasts in our Jesus in HD study, we have examined many of the things that Jesus did.


In this PODCAST, we will take a good long look at something Jesus NEVER did.

WWJND? What Would Jesus NEVER Do? Certainly not this!!! Jesus NEVER did this. When you discover what He never did, you’ll be so eternally grateful that He never did. And never will. Not to you. Not to anyone.

And because He never did this, we love Him, and admire Him, and aspire to be like Him all the more.

You will find this to be so endearing a study that I cannot wait for you to get into it.

Please remember that depending upon your connection speed and web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.

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Jesus Shunned the Little Children… Really?

I cannot begin to tell you how grieved I am. Grieved about a statement recently released by a nationally known and respected pastor who, in response to a question by a parent asking for advice on how to treat an adult child who has just come out as gay…

…told the parent based upon Matthew 18 that the parents should shun their son or daughter.

Yes! Shun them! Shun them even to the point of isolating them, separating themselves from their child, turning the child over to Satan (No, I’m not kidding. Nor am I exaggerating), and refusing even to eat with him or her.

Would someone tell me please who Jesus ever shunned?

Is this REALLY what Jesus taught in Matthew 18?


This is what Jesus taught in Matthew 18:

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How Firm is YOUR Foundation?

Jesus was a master-builder, a trained and professional artisan, a teknon, a worker in wood and stone.

As you will hear in this PODCAST, Jesus knew all about soil, sand, rock, and proper foundations on which a house can stand strong and secure against floods and winds.

So the question becomes, on what foundation are you and I building our lives? I urge you — but infinitely more importantly, Jesus urges you — to build on this foundation:

Fact is, storms can be devastating. Especially the storms to which Jesus referred. They hit fast and furious — unexpected, unwanted, unwelcome, unavoidable, and utterly devastating. Whether or not we stand strong and secure in our storms depends on our foundation. Learn all about building a firm foundation here.

Please remember that depending upon your web browser and connection speed, it might take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.


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Jesus’ Mind-Blowing Climax to His Signature Sermon

They say that confession is good for the soul. So here goes: I confess that I’m feeling terribly conflicted about the passage we discuss in this PODCAST.

On the one hand, this is as sober and serious as it gets, Jesus’ climax to His signature sermon.

Yet on the other hand, I find myself strangely comforted by His words. Comforted because they explain SO MUCH of what we see done today in Jesus’ name.

If you know of anyone who has some mental obstacles to understanding who Jesus is, THIS is the message for them to hear.

Please remember that depending upon your connection speed and web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.

God bless you as you listen.

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